FPU will use reasonable diligence in supplying utilities but shall not be liable for breach of contract in the event of, or for loss, injury, or damage to persons or property resulting from excessive or inadequate electric voltage, single-phasing, or otherwise unsatisfactory service, whether or not caused by negligence, electric, water, wastewater, telecom or natural gas supply or interruptions in any FPU service. FPU will not be liable for any such damages caused by failure to supply utility service as a result of, but are not limited to, (a.) an emergency of FPU, or on any other system directly or indirectly interconnected with it, which requires automatic or manual interruption of the supply of service to some Customers or areas in order to limit the extent or damage of the adverse condition or disturbance, or to prevent damage to generating or transmission facilities, or to expedite restoration of service, or to effect a reduction in service to compensate for an emergency condition on an interconnected system, (b.) an act of God, or the public enemy, or insurrection, riot, civil disorder, fire, or earthquake, or an order from federal, state, municipal, county or other public authority, (c.) making necessary adjustments to, changes in or repairs on FPU lines or pipe lines, substations, pump stations, gate stations, and facilities, and in cases where, in FPU’s opinion, the continuance of service to Customers’ premises would endanger persons or property. The Customer will notify FPU immediately of any defect in service or of any trouble or irregularity with the utility supply. Maintenance work on lines or equipment requiring service interruption will be done, as far as practical, at a time that will cause the least inconvenience to the Customers. The Customers to be affected by such planned interruptions will be notified in advance, if possible.