Fayetteville Public Utilities’ (FPU) network management policy is designed to define the guidelines for network management practices for internet customers. FPU uses industry standards to manage its network to deliver fast, secure, and reliable internet service.

The following disclosures pertain solely to FPU internet customers and do not apply to any voice or other specialized services offered by FPU. The information contained in this disclosure is subject to modification without notice, as we deem necessary and appropriate. These disclosures are in addition to the other disclosures and terms and conditions set forth on our website at


Congestion Management
FPU works to ensure that its internet customers have a high-quality online experience. The bandwidth and network resources used to deliver our internet are limited and shared among users. Congestion analysis is performed daily by FPU staff, which reviews all volumes of traffic ranging from individual network ports to the main core aggregation ports. Each component of the network is reviewed for bandwidth usage. The acceptable utilization range is below 80% of peak network usage. Once peak bandwidth traffic usage exceeds 80%, that section of the network is engineered to augment the network to increase capacity and available bandwidth for our customers. The sole purpose of congestion monitoring and management is to provide FPU customers with the best experience by maximizing available bandwidth on our network.

Application-Specific Behavior
FPU does not use any application‐specific network management practices. Further, FPU does not block or rate-control specific protocols or protocol ports, modify protocol fields (in ways not prescribed by the protocol standard), and does not inhibit or favor certain applications or classes of applications. FPU does not discriminate against or otherwise prevent users of its internet service from sending and receiving the lawful content of their choice; running lawful applications and using lawful services of their choice; or connecting their choice of legal devices, as long as such applications, services and devices do not harm the network or the provision of internet services, facilitate theft of service or harm other users of the service. Similarly, FPU does not impair or degrade particular content, applications, services or non-harmful devices. ApplicationSpecific Behavior is not regulated or controlled by FPU. However, FPU does have the ability to see the amount of bandwidth usage that is being used by a specific application/destination at a specific moment in time (flow monitoring). This usage information is only retained for a short period of time in order to provide a trending profile.

Device Attachment Rules
Customer premise equipment attachment rules for FPU’s internet service are dictated by the network technology platforms employed (Data Over Cable Service Interface Specifications [DOCSIS] and Gigabyte Passive Optical Network [GPON]) and several other factors. FPU can provide internet service customers with a DOCSIS 3.0 (older versions are no longer supported) compatible reputable name brand modem. DOCSIS 4.0 may not function on our network as those are not true standards. Should a customer choose to add their own cable modem to the network, it must be a DOCSIS 3.0 approved device. Customer devices that attach to the network are the sole responsibility of the customer and FPU does not restrict customer devices in any way. For the fiber plant, the customer cannot bring their own optical network terminal (ONT - fiber modem) and must rent it from FPU.

Network Security Practices
FPU actively works to address threats posed by harmful and unwanted traffic and reserves the right to protect the security and integrity of its network and its customers by any lawful means. FPU employs securitybest practices to protect FPU core networking assets, including but not limited to routers, switches, firewalls, cable modem termination system (CMTS) units and servers. Appliance-based and host‐side firewalls are used to protect server assets. Access lists and strong passwords are used to protect network devices. Centralized authentication, authorization and accounting are also frequently utilized, where possible.

FPU does not block nor restrict access to any lawful content, applications, services or non ‐ harmful devices on its network. However, to protect our customers, we may use reasonable network management practices to block or limit sources that are commonly used to launch malware or other malicious attacks, send spam, or steal an end‐user’s identity or personal information.

FPU does not throttle, degrade or impair access to lawful internet traffic based on the content, application, service, user or the use of the nonharmful device. However, FPU does throttle based on package purchased only.

Affiliated Prioritization and/or Paid Prioritization
FPU does not intentionally participate in any method of traffic shaping, prioritization or resource reservation in exchange for consideration, monetary or otherwise.


Service Description
FPU provides internet service to customers through a DOCSIS‐based cable modem platform and a fiber‐based GPON platform. The company’s internet provides the capability to transmit data to and receive data from all or substantially all internet endpoints and is suitable for real‐time applications. FPU offers different tiers of internet service for residential and commercial customers. The tiers are primarily differentiated by the speed with which data is transmitted and received and, in some cases, the amount of data transfer allowance. The price of each tier varies, primarily in relation to the data transfer speed of each. Tier characteristics may affect the suitability of a specific tier of service for the way customers access and use the internet. The rates, terms and conditions of service are subject to change from time to time and all tiers may not be available in all areas. For detailed information pertaining to FPU internet service offerings and packages, please visit or call 931-433-1522.

Residential internet service is not contracted and does not have early termination fees. The “actual” speed a customer experiences at any time may vary based on a number of factors and conditions, many of which are outside of our control. These conditions include but are not limited to: performance of customer’s internet‐connected devices, the connection between a customer’s computer and modem, the distance packets travel (round trip), any congestion or high usage levels at the website or destination, any gating of speeds or access by the website or destination. To control traffic or performance, many websites limit the speeds at which a visitor can download from their site, the suitability of the cable modem, and the capacity limitations on FPU’s network.

Data Usage Allowances
FPU does not have any charges for bandwidth usage.

Impact on Specialized Services
FPU offers dedicated fiber transport, dedicated fiber internet protocol (IP), dark fiber lease, GPON transport and IP. With these different types of technologies and physical networks, the networks are not in contention with each other.

FPU offers Voice‐over‐Internet Protocol (“VoIP”) services which use shared network capacity. In order to accommodate the technical requirements of VoIP service, FPU gives VoIP traffic priority in its network over general data traffic. However, because VoIP services use relatively little bandwidth, VoIP services are not likely to affect the performance of FPU’s internet service.

Although all services are affected at any given time by the total network usage, FPU’s provision of specialized services does not adversely affect its provision of internet services.

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) requires internet service providers (ISPs) to disclose information regarding the expected and actual speeds and latency of our internet services. There are several publicly available sources of information regarding actual broadband performance, each of which uses a different methodology and thus may produce different results. Please note: all performance tests are based on certain assumptions and, therefore, have certain inevitable biases and flaws. The results of such tests, therefore, should be considered a guide rather than a definitive measurement of performance. Also, customers should keep in mind that the speed a customer experiences at a specific location may vary from the average speed calculated on a company‐wide basis. In addition, these tests are dependent on a variety of factors, including the customer’s home network configuration, modem and internet‐connected devices and the time of day, and, therefore, do not reflect the performance of the FPU network only. Customers can check the speed of their current internet connection using free commercial speed tests available on other sites.


Rates and Terms
Specific service fees and rates for an individual subscriber are set forth in the terms of service. Information regarding our services, including additions, changes or modifications are also publicized on the FPU website at

FPU does not have any usage-based fees or charges for bandwidth usage.

Privacy Policies
Personal information you provide to FPU is governed by FPU’s privacy policy, available on our website. FPU does not intentionally inspect or store any network traffic.

Redress Options
For questions, complaints or requests for additional information about FPU’s internet services or regarding any of the information set forth above, please contact a customer service representative at 931-433- 1522 for technical support concerning internet service issues. The FCC has established procedures for addressing informal and formal complaints regarding broadband service. For information concerning these formal and informal complaint procedures, please refer to the FCC’s website at

FPU reserves the right to disconnect service for violations of the law including but not limited to repeat violations of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act.

Approved by FPU Board of Directors – September 25, 2024
Effective date – September 25, 2024