(Includes non-residential, commercial, and industrial)
• A security deposit of two average monthly utility bills will be required of any general service customer before service is supplied. The security deposit can be secured by cash, assignments on a CD or savings account, irrevocable letter of credit from an approved financial institution, or a utility payment bond. The security deposit will be applied by FPU against the final bill.
• The average monthly utility bill for the purpose of this policy means the highest of:
1. The average monthly utility bill for service location based on historical billing data for the previous 12 months.
2. The average monthly utility bill calculated using utility load data.
• Upon written request by the customer, the security deposit requirement may be re-evaluated based on the most recent use. FPU will review the adequacy of the general service security deposit based on historical use and/or credit worthiness annually. The deposit will be increased if the account is not in good standing.
• Security deposits will not be required from any agencies of local, state, and federal governments with a rating of either "A2" from Moody's Investors Service or "A" from Standard and Poor's Rating Agency and whose accounts are in good standing upon annual review.