Fayetteville Public Utilities’ residential customers who use an average 1,208 kWh will see a $0.75 decrease in their bill from $150.87 in January to $150.12 in February. This is due to a decrease in the fuel cost adjustment for all billing periods ending in the month of February 2025.

TVA’s seasonal rate structure consists of an Energy Charge which adjusts for summer, winter and transition months. In addition, the rate structure includes the pass-through cost of generating, purchasing and producing electricity, which is known as the TVA Total Monthly Fuel Cost. The fuel cost amount is listed separately on your monthly utility bill.

Summer rates (June, July, August and September) and winter rates (December, January, February, and March) are typically higher than transition rates (October, November, April, and May).

For comparison purposes, both February 2025 and January 2025 rates are listed below. Applicable taxes are not included with these rates.

EFFECTIVE February 1, 2025

Residential Rates

(Plus applicable taxes)
Customer Charge
per month
Energy Charge
per kWh
TVA Total Monthly Fuel Cost
per kWh

General Service (less than 50 kW):

(Plus applicable taxes)
GSA1 Low Use Customer Charge
per month for less than 500kWh
GSA1 High Use Customer Charge
per month for greater than 500kWh
Energy Charge
for all kWh
TVA Total Monthly
Fuel Cost

General Service (50 - 1,000 kW):

(Plus applicable taxes)
Customer Charge
per month
Demand Charge
First 50kW of metered demand per month per kW
Excess over 50 kW billed
per kW
Energy Charge
for first 15,000 kWh
additional kWh
TVA Total Monthly Fuel Cost
for first 15,000 kWh
additional kWh

General Service (1,001 - 5,000 kW):

(Plus applicable taxes)
Customer Charge
per month
Demand Charge
First 1,000 kW of metered demand per month
Excess over 1,000 kW of billing demand
per month, per kW
Energy Charge
per kWh
TVA Total Monthly Fuel Cost
per kWh

Commercial and Industrial Rates

Please contact FPU at 931-433-1522x184 for manufacturing electric rates.

Security Lights - Currently Offered

Effective February 1, 2025: per month

Please note that security light rates adjust with Tennessee Valley Authority's Total Monthly Fuel Cost.
LED 100W
LED 124W
LED 297W

Security Lights - Previously Offered

400W Multi-Vapor
400W HPS
LED 150W
LED 240W
LED 325W

EFFECTIVE January 1, 2025

Residential Rates

(Plus applicable taxes)
Customer Charge
per month
Energy Charge
per kWh
TVA Total Monthly Fuel Cost
per kWh

General Service (less than 50 kW):

(Plus applicable taxes)
GSA1 Low Use Customer Charge
per month for less than 500kWh
GSA1 High Use Customer Charge
per month for greater than 500kWh
Energy Charge
for all kWh
TVA Total Monthly
Fuel Cost

General Service (50 - 1,000 kW):

(Plus applicable taxes)
Customer Charge
per month
Demand Charge
First 50kW of metered demand per month per kW
Excess over 50 kW billed
per kW
Energy Charge
for first 15,000 kWh
additional kWh
TVA Total Monthly Fuel Cost
for first 15,000 kWh
additional kWh

General Service (1,001 - 5,000 kW):

(Plus applicable taxes)
Customer Charge
per month
Demand Charge
First 1,000 kW of metered demand per month
Excess over 1,000 kW of billing demand
per month, per kW
Energy Charge
per kWh
TVA Total Monthly Fuel Cost
per kWh

Commercial and Industrial Rates

Please contact FPU at 931-433-1522x184 for manufacturing electric rates.

Security Lights - Currently Offered

Effective January 1, 2025: per month

Please note that security light rates adjust with Tennessee Valley Authority's Total Monthly Fuel Cost.
LED 100W
LED 124W
LED 297W

Security Lights - Previously Offered

400W Multi-Vapor
400W HPS
LED 150W
LED 240W
LED 325W


Service Fee / Connect Charge per service


This applies to:
Meters set on temporary service
(Minimum charge)
Meters set on new installation
Customer moves from one location to another
Service transfer from one customer to another