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FPU Natural Gas and Public Awareness Survey

This information is simply for Fayetteville Public Utilities' use in measuring the success of our communication and education efforts about the safe use of natural gas service.
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The Gas Department of the Fayetteville Public Utilities is municipally owned and has provided natural gas to homes and businesses in the Fayetteville area since 1949.

We are proud to be servicing over 6,700 customers with natural 
gas and maintaining approximately 300 miles of gas mains with an additional 229 miles of service lines.

Our commitment to you is to provide courteous and dependable service in the most efficient manner possible. We continually strive to update and improve our facility. We keep an eye on the latest development in natural gas technology and implement those that provide the benefits of safer, more efficient service.
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Exactly what is Natural Gas?
Natural gas is a fossil fuel. As the name implies, it is an energy fuel that has a natural origin. Unlike some energy sources, it is not manufactured and is used essentially in the same form as it is found. Natural gas is 100% safe on our environment.

What can you use natural gas for?
Natural gas has many uses in home, business and industry. Some of the most common uses are:
  • Heating
  • Food preparation
  • Water heating
  • Clothes drying
  • Outdoor lighting

What is that smell?
If it smells like rotten eggs, it may be the scent of safety.

Natural gas is composed primarily of methane and is found beneath the earth's surface. Natural gas in its original state is odorless, so we have added a distinctive chemical odorant to help you recognize it. The odor smells bad on purpose so you can identify natural gas - even in small amounts.

What to do if you smell gas!
Follow these vital steps if you smell that distinct natural gas odor.
  • Call - we have an emergency dispatch service available at all times 931-433-1522 if the odor is strong or you hear a hissing sound:
  • Do not operate electrical switches - including your telephone
  • Extinguish any open flame
  • Evacuate the building
  • Call 931-433-1522 from a neighbor's home
A qualified technician or service crew will be dispatched immediately.

What should I know about natural gas if I have a buried pipeline in or near my yard?
Because natural gas pipelines are hidden safely underground, we feel it necessary to inform you about pipeline safety. Please click on the attachment below to learn more about keeping you and your family safe around natural gas.

Always Call Before Your Dig!
The FPU gas department maintains approximately 250 miles of natural gas mains and 185 miles of service lines throughout our service area.

If you are planning demolition or excavation work of any kind, please call Tennessee One-Call at least three days before you begin. By calling, you will avoid interruption of service, save yourself costly delays, and prevent unnecessary accidents or injuries.

Tennessee One-Call System, Inc. is a statewide notification system that marks underground members utility free of charge.

Residents, contractors, and anyone planning to dig, drill, or blast in Tennessee:

Call 1-800-351-1111

Toll Free 24-hour Service

Should I have my gas installation inspected?
We charge only $5.00 per natural gas safety inspection to insure proper piping and installation of appliances by outside parties. During normal business hours, contact our office and a qualified service technician will come to approve your installation, which is required to meet the standards of the International Fuel Gas Code.

I am confused about all of the deposits - can you explain FPU's deposit policy?
Please click here for deposit information.


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Pipeline Safety

Excessive Flow Valve