Construction Standards for Electric 

To establish a new electric service with Fayetteville Public Utilities, the following guideline or checklist is available to assist with this process:

Please note that this is a general information list for new builds. This list should not be considered as ALL INCLUSIVE.  Procedural changes occur from time to time, and it is the responsibility of the new resident or builder to ensure all requirements have been met for new electrical service and construction or installation. It is also the responsibility of the new resident or builder to communicate any changes from the original discussed plans to FPU. Otherwise, delays and/or additional charges may occur.

  • Obtain an E911 address for the new construction from the E911 office in the county of applicable residence. In Lincoln County, call (931) 433-8404. This is necessary for new residences.
  • If no access to sanitary sewer, obtain a septic permit from the Health Department in the county of applicable residence. In Lincoln County, call (931) 433-3231. (Must be provided to the Deputy State Electrical Inspector prior to any electrical inspection resulting in service connection.)
  • Call, go on-line or visit one of our Customer Service Representatives in FPU's Engineering Department Office to begin an Electrical Service Application. (Step 1 is required prior to making electrical application). If you would like to minimize the time spent in our office, please call ahead at (931) 433-1522 to schedule an appointment.
  • Complete all paperwork via on-line application or by visiting our office. Sign FPU Application for Service and any other forms required. (Required forms may include Easement Form, Service Application, Aid-to-Construction, Temporary Contract, or Construction Agreement Beyond a CT Meter, etc.). Two forms of identification are required for the person(s) establishing service. Additional required documents include a proof of property ownership, such as a deed. For a modular home if you do not own property and services are being constructed on someone else's property, signed permission from the existing property owner is required.
  • The electrical contractor and/or homeowner should meet with the engineer to determine the location of a temporary service (normally needed for new site-constructed homes), the electric line path, point of electrical entry into the home, service size (100/200/400/etc. amp) and whether the permanent service will be overhead or underground. The engineer will then return to the office, draw the job and calculate the Aid-to-Construction estimate. This estimated amount is due prior to construction and the actual amount will be reconciled at the close of the job. This process after visiting the site will take a minimum of 48 hours and sometimes longer due to the workload. Call our office prior to coming to ensure paperwork is ready and fees have been calculated. The FPU Engineering Department's phone number is (931) 433-1522 ext. 340. If you schedule an appointment, we can have the majority of the paperwork ready for you when you arrive.
  • Pay all fees associated with the new service.  This could include: 
       a. Aid-To-Construction Estimate (must be paid prior to construction)
       b. Service Fees and Security Deposits
       c. Temporary Fees
  • If necessary, all designated right of ways are cleared at the site for FPU to begin any utility construction. All easements are obtained crossing any additional property owners and designated vegetation has been cleared on that property(s) as well.
  • Electrical Inspections:  All necessary electrical inspection permits must be purchased for the State Electrical Inspector to inspect the construction. Inspections may include Temporary, Rough-in, Service Release, HVAC or Final; re-inspections may be required.  The inspector reviews all electrical installations for compliance with the National Electric Code for all installations beyond the metering point. All permits are purchased on-line now.  You may purchase from www.tn.gov website or visit our Engineering Office to purchase. You must request an inspection after you purchase the permit. Inspection requests can be submitted on-line or by visiting our office. Please purchase and make all inspection requests at least 24 hours before the date the inspection is requested. For more information, see the section on Electrical Permits and Inspections.
  • If a temporary service is necessary, it must be constructed in field and pass inspection before being turned over to Fayetteville Public Utilities by the State Electrical Inspector for hook-up. Again, please purchase and make all inspection requests at least 24 hours before the date the inspection is requested.  Temporary Services are only good for 9 months.  If your building project takes longer than 9-months, you will be required to renew the temporary services.
  • If necessary, the house rough-in wiring must be completed, and the electrician or homeowner must inform the State Electrical Inspector that the service is ready for inspection by requesting on-line or visiting our office. (All wiring must be accessible for a Rough-in Inspection.)    
  • Once the building has passed the rough-in inspection, it will be ready to complete the wiring and construction.
  • If necessary, an HVAC permit must be purchased, the unit installed and an inspection requested. Inspection dates are requested on-line or by visiting the Engineering Department. The HVAC will be inspected and either passed or failed.
  • If necessary, the engineer must be notified when the ditch for an underground service is ready for inspection by Fayetteville Public Utilities.  (The ditch must be dug with the pipe installed but not covered for inspection.) The FPU Engineering Department's phone number is (931) 433-1522 ext. 340.

  • A passed service release inspection allows power to be hooked up to the home prior to the final inspection.  Service Releases are only good for 45 days. You are not allowed to move into the home with a service release.
  • When all wiring is completed and the central unit is in place and passed inspections, the electrician or homeowner must inform the State Electrical Inspector that the house is ready for final inspection by requesting on-line or by visiting Fayetteville Public Utilities’ Engineering Department.
  • Once the home and/or building has passed the final electrical inspection and has been turned over by the State Electrical Inspector to Fayetteville Public Utilities for final connection, you have completed the electrical inspection portion of your building.




View Electrical Service Requirements


Electrical service cannot be provided to the customer until an approved electrical inspection is made. These inspections are completed by the State of Tennessee Deputy Electrical Inspector not Fayetteville Public Utilities.

To complete the State of Tennessee electrical inspection process, each permit must be purchased and submitted for inspection, and the inspection must be completed with a passed result. All failed inspections must be corrected and re-inspected.

To obtain an electrical permit
In most cases the electrical contractor purchases all permits since a valid state electrical license is required at the time of purchase. If you have a valid state electrical license, you may purchase a permit using one of the following options:

State of Tennessee
  • Visit the State of Tennessee’s permit site at www.core.tn.gov. This service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
  • Call the State of Tennessee’s permit office at 615-741-7170. Office hours are Monday through Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Fayetteville Public Utilities’ Engineering Office
  • FPU serves as a purchasing agent and can assist with the purchasing of permits for the Tennessee Department of Commerce and Insurance Electrical Inspector.
  • FPU charges a $5.00 fee to assist with the purchase of State of Tennessee Electrical Permits. Multiple permits for the same address can be purchased with one $5.00 fee.
  • FPU’s office is located at 408 College Street West, Fayetteville, TN. Office hours are Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Please arrive by 3:30 p.m. to allow ample time to complete the paperwork.

To schedule an inspection
When you are ready for an inspection, submit the permit according to how it was obtained.
  • If purchased through the State of Tennessee, visit www.core.tn.gov or call 615-741-7170 Monday through Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
  • If purchased at Fayetteville Public Utilities, call our office at 931-433-1522 ext. 340.
  • Please purchase and submit permits for inspection at least 24 hours before the date the inspection is requested.
  • The State Electrical Inspector is available on Tuesdays and Thursdays for Lincoln County.

*Homeowners are allowed to purchase electrical permits on their primary residence only for one project per year.
**Pools and hot tubs require separate inspections. It is very important that you have all pools and hot tubs inspected by the State Inspector.
***Solar equipment and generators require separate inspections. Per Public Chapter 177 (2021) the State Fire Marshall’s Office requires all solar equipment and generators be inspected by a state-certified inspector and that the utility be notified prior to installation.



Fayetteville Public Utilities allows for attachments to our poles under certain conditions. 

Some poles in FPU’s service area are owned by other entities such as AT&T and Ardmore Telephone Company, in which case the pole owner would need to be contacted for permission.

Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) regulates the rates charged for pole attachments, so the cost of pole attachments is not subsidized by electric rate payers.

Before any permits for pole attachments will be considered, the applicant must first have an active Pole Attachment Agreement with Fayetteville Public Utilities. The purpose of this permit is to ensure that pole attachments meet all standards set by FPU and the National Electric Safety Code as well as any city, state, or federal standards. Entities desiring to attach to Fayetteville Public Utilities’ poles can submit a Pole Attachment Agreement during normal business hours at FPU’s office located at 408 College Street West.

Entities with an active Pole Attachment Agreement may apply for new attachments or modify existing attachments using the procedure listed below.

Please submit ALL requests for pole attachments to pole-attach@fpu-tn.com with the following information:

  • Name and contact info (email and phone # at minimum) of person requesting to attach
  • Type of attachment
  • Address or description of where you plan to attach to FPU poles
  • Drawings, if available
  • Date needed by (we try to accommodate, but no guarantees)
  • Any Issues that you are aware of at this location

After FPU receives your email, an inquiry will be submitted to the appropriate person(s), and you will either receive a phone call or an email to let you know the outcome of your request and if there are any issues that will need to be resolved prior to attaching.

Please note that FPU does require you to submit requests and receive approval from FPU PRIOR TO attaching to our poles. FPU would greatly appreciate your cooperation, and we look forward to working with you in the future.

If you have any questions, feel free to call our office at 931-433-1522 ext. 340.



1. Temporary Services are allowed for the sole purpose of having electricity while constructing a permanent service. Any other use must have prior approval.

2. Temporary Services are valid for a period of 9 months and must be inspected by the State Electrical Inspector prior to being hooked up. After 9 months, the temporary service must be renewed and reinspected. Temporary Services may be renewed 3 times. After the third renewal, customers may be required to put in a permanent pole service if construction is not near completion.

3. Customers must sign an application and contract and pay a temporary service fee for each renewal.

4. The temporary service pole and equipment shall be furnished by the customer.

5. See FPU Standard Drawings for Temporary Services for additional specification details. 



Fayetteville Public Utilities is committed to providing customers with reliable, sustainable and affordable electricity, and FPU’s qualified tree trimmers help accomplish this goal by properly clearing trees growing into or toward electric lines. Although directional pruning may not improve the appearance of the tree, it is a responsible and reasonable approach to keeping people and property safe, electric services dependable and trees healthy. During routine tree trimming, crews also grind the removed limbs and brush to decrease the amount of waste placed in landfills and to reduce disposal costs.

Customers can assist crews with tree trimming efforts by:

  • Planting the right tree in the right place - Before planting trees, it is important to consider the available space and the size of the tree when it reaches maturity. Taller trees should be planted away from overhead utility lines. 
  • Considering the underground space prior to planting a tree - Always call 811 to have underground utilities located before planting. Since root systems vary depending on the type of tree, also consider the location of underground utilities and sewer lines when deciding the placement of a new tree.

Service and reliability are priorities for Fayetteville Public Utilities. Therefore, tree and vegetation management must be consistently maintained. Please click on the Who Owns What link below to view a diagram to aid in understanding tree maintenance responsibilities for the customer. 

Who Owns What? Utility-Owned Equipment vs. Customer-Owned Equipment

Refer to this diagram to aid in understanding tree maintenance and equipment responsibilities for the customer and the utility. 

Download "WHO_Owns_What.pdf"

Tva green pt01


Considering a solar installation? Fayetteville Public Utilities and the Tennessee Valley Authority are here to help.

Reach out to FPU's Key Accounts/Economic Development Representative Nathan Taylor at 931-433-1522 ext. 184 or visit tvagreenconnect.com with questions, comments or concerns. 



Illuminate the dark areas around your home with a security light from Fayetteville Public Utilities. 55w LED, 100w LED, 124w LED or 297w LED Night Lights are all available on the FPU Night Light Rental Program. The light rental is added to your monthly electric bill for convenient payment. If any repairs or maintenance are needed for your light, simply report it to FPU by calling (931)433-1522. Repairs and maintenance will be made Free of Charge and in a timely manner by the FPU service crew.

Lights are installed at no cost on FPU energized poles only!